I was struck by an online post regarding the recent nominations for Ministerial appointments a few days ago targeting some of the women who were nominated. I was shocked at the level of disdain and incivility displayed by this writer; Indeed, I was shocked that someone could offer such vile comments in the public domain. The fact that no one saw anything wrong with these comments I feel says a lot more about our great nation than it says about these women. What has happened to us?
Misogyny is defined as the deep-seated prejudice and contempt towards women, it is a pervasive issue that continues to plague our society and hinders progress in gender equality. Let us just call it simply what it is, Misogyny is the hatred of women. Misogyny persists, perpetuating harmful attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors especially the idea that many women have attained success merely because of their ability to sleep with the right powerful men. This attitude shows the dangers of misogyny and sheds light on the negative impact it has on individuals, communities, and the overall fabric of our society
Misogyny at its core undermines Gender Equality. The belief that women are inherently inferior to men directly threatens any progress made in achieving gender equality in our nation. By devaluing and dismissing women, it reinforces discriminatory norms and perpetuates gender-based stereotypes. This hinders women’s advancement in various spheres, including education, employment, and leadership positions, limiting their opportunities for personal growth and self-fulfillment.
This not only hampers individual women but also delays the progress of our communities as a whole, because talent and potential remain untapped.
Women are roughly 51% of our population yet they are barely represented in the halls of power and government.
Misogyny takes a terrible Emotional and Psychological toll on women and its effects extend beyond the realm of gender equality, taking a toll on the emotional and psychological well-being of women. Constant exposure to derogatory language, objectification, and harassment can lead to low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Women will internalize societal stereotypes, leading to a diminished sense of self-worth and a distorted self-image. This is dangerous for our nation to have more than half of our population believe that the only they can achieve success is by sleeping with the right powerful man. This is simply not true, and we should reject this narrative completely.
Misogyny also leads to violence against women, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse even of children. Such violence not only causes immediate harm but also perpetuates a cycle of fear and subjugation. Domestic violence, sexual assault, and femicide are distressing consequences of misogyny, highlighting the urgent need to address this issue and foster a culture of respect, consent, and equality. When women are disrespected and undervalued in our nation, this can only lead to the destruction of the fabric of our society. It is bad for all of us, including men.
Our nation is losing by neglecting over half of its population. Our progress is delayed because we are working at half our capacity by excluding women from the national debate and governance.
Misogyny poses a significant barrier to social progress by stifling the voices and contributions of women. By devaluing their perspectives, talents, and achievements, society misses out on the valuable insights and ideas women bring to the table. This impedes innovation, hampers economic growth, and inhibits the overall development of our communities and our nation,
Misogyny perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes that confine both men and women to narrowly defined roles. It promotes the notion that women are weak, emotional, and subordinate, while men are strong, rational, and dominant. These stereotypes limit individuals’ potential, perpetuate toxic masculinity, and undermine healthy relationships and interactions between genders.
Misogyny erodes the fabric of relationships and family dynamics. When women are subjected to disrespect, control, and objectification, it creates an imbalanced power dynamic that undermines trust, love, and mutual respect. Children growing up in such environments will believe these attitudes, perpetuating a cycle of misogyny in future generations.
Misogyny poses challenges to social justice movements advocating for gender equality. Women who bravely speak out against misogyny and other forms of sexism often face backlash, ridicule, and harassment, discouraging others from raising their voices. This hostility hampers progress towards creating an inclusive and equitable society. It restricts women’s freedom and autonomy and creates an environment where their safety is constantly threatened.
It is a biological fact that men and women are different, and I am not in any way suggesting otherwise, however for the sake of our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters let us stop relegating women to the side lines of society, we are doing untold damage to ourselves and our families by doing so. Let us stop degrading women with our speech.
The dangers of misogyny in our society are multifaceted and far-reaching. By perpetuating these negative stories and attitudes about women, we are sanctioning discrimination, violence, and inequality, misogyny undermines our collective progress and well-being. It is imperative that we recognize and challenge these harmful attitudes and behaviors, fostering a society that celebrates and respects the rights and dignity of everyone.
Some men may wrongly believe that they gain by putting women down but in the end, we all lose collectively. Let us commit to a nation where we all have a sense of belonging and feel safe in our communities, even online. I know that may be a stretch, but we can at least strive to treat one another with decency and respect.
#ngozirbkokafor | #progressiscoming